I freaking love music. Hence the song of the moment I will include on my posts. I feel like music has been one of my best friends this summer and has helped make for some pretty rockin quiet times or devotions. I get to sit in the glorious Minneapolis traffic pretty much every morning.. at first I was so fricken annoyed with it. I was always feeling rushed, like I wasn't doing anything. However, as the summer has progressed, I have found these moments where I have stuck in traffic to be some of the best moments of my day... mostly because of whats blasting out of my speakers.
You know when you are driving down the road and you see someone car dancing? Yeah.. I'm that girl. I am also the girl who rolls down her windows and will belt songs at the top of my lungs completely oblivious to the fact that other people drive with their windows down too... and lets be honest, I don't really care. I absolutely love the part of my day when i turn on the radio and its one of my favorite songs, doesn't matter what else happend that day, for 4 minutes, I'm your next american idol.
But in all seriousness, some of the songs I have heard on the radio this summer are also the ones that make me turn things down a notch and remember what I'm thankful for, or they teach me how to pray again, or best of all, they remind me of how stinking great, awesome, powerful, and humble the God I serve really is. Folks, music is good. This is my public apology to music for not appreciating it more over the years.
Later in the week: Stories from a Dorm Counsler
Song of the moment: Wild at Heart - Gloriana
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