I put God into a box all the time... and right when I start to become content with where I am with him, he knocks the walls out of the box and amazes me more then I could ever imagine.
I just spent a few days in Western Montana where I got to enjoy the beauty of the Lord first hand. I can't tell you the number of times I caught myself losing my breath because of the wonders he had created. I think sometimes being in a busy city, I forget to slow down and enjoy the natural gifts God has given us to show his glory. It is easier when I am spending time on campus, but even then, the beauty there is created by man. In montana it was so natural. The rivers, lakes, mountains, the fish that we caught, even the farm land, and animals on it. It is amazing to me that one man created this all, even though he didn't need it. He created it just for us and I don't even take the time to enjoy it.
And God said, "let the water under the sky be gathered to one place and let dry ground appear," and it was so. God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas," and God saw that it was good. Then God said "Let the land produce vegitation: seed bearing plants and trees on the land to bear fruit with seed in it according to their various kinds," and it was so. - Genesis 1:9-11
What gifts God has given us. I would type the whole chapter of Genesis 1, but then I would want to type the whole bible because of how much I love it. I caught myelf reading the whole chapter today though and remembering how this earth, this beauty, this life, it is all a gift of God and it is all meant to bring him Glory and that is all I want to do.
Song of the Moment: Captivated- Shawn McDonald
When I look into the mountains, I see your fame.
When I look into the night sky, it sparkles your name.
The wind in the clouds and the blue in the sky
The sun and the moon and the stars so high.
It's what draws me to you.
I am, I'm captivated by you.
In all that you do
I am, I'm captivated.
When I wake unto the morning, it gives me your sight.
When I look across the ocean, it echos your might.
The sand on the shore and the waves in the seas.
The air in my lungs and the way you made me.
That's what draws me to you.
The wind in the clouds and the blue in the sky,
The sun and the moon and the stars so high.
The sand on the shore and the waves in the sea,
The air in my lungs and the way you made me.
The Blood in my veins and my heart you invade,
The plants, how they grow, and the trees and their shade.
The way that I feel and the love in my soul,
I thank you my God for letting me know.
I am, I'm captivated by you,
In all that you do,
I am, I'm captivated.
Up next: The man who has stolen my heart.
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