Sunday, July 26, 2009

Call me a critic.....

Tomorrow marks the day that I turn 22 years old... or as my dear friend Beth reminded me... half way to 44. Crap. You know what reminds me of how old I feel like I am getting? I use phrases like dear friend. I also gave my Grandpa a Hig five for making it past 9:00. It was a big moment for the both of us.

I have read 3 books and seen 4 movies in the last week and a half, now time for the reviews:


"Take One"- Karen Kingsbury: Anyone who knows me will know, just from seeing the author, that I will give it a two thumbs up. I read it in about a day and a half, with pauses of course (hooked on phonics worked for me, its okay). I should note, it is different then most of her books which I have read. A little less romantic, which means I officially made it through a Karen Kingsbry book without shedding one tear. If I were a girl scout, that would earn a badge.

"Swan House"- Elizabeth Musser: Another real solid read. Kind of slow getting started, but for once in my life, I did not predict the ending. I liked that. The book takes place in the 1960's, third on my list of "Era's in which I wish I was born." It was a mystery, love story, history lesson all in one. Big fan. High reccommendations.

"My sisters Keeper"- Jodi Picoult: Incredibly let down to be honest. I mean, don't get me wrong, good story, compelling topic, and I won't ruin the ending but... COME ON. Coulda done better work Jodes. I'd give it 2 outta 4.5 stars.


Paul Blart- Mall Cop: As dumb as it sounds. One of those movies where it was a good thing I was up late. Ok, yeah it got a few laughs out of me... but on a scale of 1-10 I give it a 4.23... and that is late at night.

The Ugly Truth- If you have a dirty mind, you will love it. Some of you may assume I must have loved it... because lets be honest, for going to the N dubb C... my mind is in the gutter quite often... however because of the morals and values bestowed upon my by the college who is experiencing "theological drift," I found a lot of the movie kind of disgusting. It did however put the desire to experience a hot air ballon ride in my heart... maybe i should have seen Up.

Harry Potter 6- No progress, I was left hanging on EVERYTHING. Good thing I know what happens or I might be like that kid in Germany who was so shocked that Headmaster "DD" died in this one that he decided life just wasn't worth living....(can i say that on a blog?)... you do the math folks.

Saved- Oldie but a Goodie. I felt slightly Sacreligous watching it, but then I thought about if that was really how some people view Christians, then we, as a body of Christ, are doing something wrong. I know its a fairly controversial movie for Christians, but I wouldd encourage any Christian to watch it. If not to challenge us, then to see Mandy Moore drive into a Giant Jesus, or to see McCulley Culkin. Yeah thats right, he has made it big time since Home Alone.

Although it may not seem like I have had a life over the last week and a half, it was because I had the time to enjoy a peaceful week off. I think God we being nice and preparing me for not only one of the most full weeks of my summer (27th-31st) but also some big time "rock my world" moments and prayers that have happend in the last few days. God is a good dude, I'm a big fan of what he has done in my life this summer.

Verse: Matthew 11:28-30; Psalm 25

Song of the Moment: For the Moments I feel Faint- Relient K

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Man who has Stolen my Heart...

Girls seem to be looking for a man who knows what to say all the time, who is romantic, who takes their breath away, steals their heart, and robs them of their ability to utter a single word. And I willingly admit, I have been, and sometimes still am one of those girls. I think its something that is wired into our hearts that gives us the desire to feel loved.

Tall or short? Dark hair or Sandy Blonde? Sporty or a little dorky? Funny or Quiet? We have all pictured our ideal man at some point in our life. You know... The more realistic model of the celebrity we always dreamed about being with, right? We seem to be walking down the street keeping our eyes peeled for the next eligible bachelor to turn the corner and sweep us off our feet.

For me, it started one fall afernoon in September of 2006. I though i knew what love was before this, but I was so wrong. There was a man who completely knocked me head over heels and I havn't been the same since. he had been with me my entire life. He is a man who steals my heart, takes my breath away, robs me of my ability to utter a single word. He romances me and continually sweeps me off my feet.

I can honestly say that I will never feel a love as deep, as high, as far, and as wide as the Love that Christ has for me. He surprises me daily with his comfort, honesty, strength, encouragment, forgiveness, faithfullness, loyalty, compassion, committment, grace, and unfailing love. He captivates me and challenges me with the love letters in his word. Its a perfect, beautiful relationship.

As September approaches as well as the anniversary of my renewal with my relationship with Christ... I think back on the last 3 years and see how my life has been transformed because of his love. It doesn't mean that my flesh doesn't desire to be loved here on earth and hoepfully someday I will be married and it will be great, but the intimate and personal relationship I have wih Christ has allowed me to put my hope and trust in him completely. I don't need to depend on a person to fill a hole in my heart because I am blessed enough to know what true love really is... and it freaking rocks.

"I will make you my wife forever, showing you righteousness and justice, unfailing love and compassion. I will be faithful to you and make you mine, and you will finally know me as Lord." - Hosea 2:19-20 (NLT)

Song of the Moment: I Believe in a Thing Called Love

P.S. Tall.. someone who loves basketball... chisled abs (I would not complain) Current Celebrity Crush: Fred Hoiberg.. not afraid to admit it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

A God who amazes.

I put God into a box all the time... and right when I start to become content with where I am with him, he knocks the walls out of the box and amazes me more then I could ever imagine.

I just spent a few days in Western Montana where I got to enjoy the beauty of the Lord first hand. I can't tell you the number of times I caught myself losing my breath because of the wonders he had created. I think sometimes being in a busy city, I forget to slow down and enjoy the natural gifts God has given us to show his glory. It is easier when I am spending time on campus, but even then, the beauty there is created by man. In montana it was so natural. The rivers, lakes, mountains, the fish that we caught, even the farm land, and animals on it. It is amazing to me that one man created this all, even though he didn't need it. He created it just for us and I don't even take the time to enjoy it.

And God said, "let the water under the sky be gathered to one place and let dry ground appear," and it was so. God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters he called "seas," and God saw that it was good. Then God said "Let the land produce vegitation: seed bearing plants and trees on the land to bear fruit with seed in it according to their various kinds," and it was so. - Genesis 1:9-11

What gifts God has given us. I would type the whole chapter of Genesis 1, but then I would want to type the whole bible because of how much I love it. I caught myelf reading the whole chapter today though and remembering how this earth, this beauty, this life, it is all a gift of God and it is all meant to bring him Glory and that is all I want to do.

Song of the Moment: Captivated- Shawn McDonald

When I look into the mountains, I see your fame.
When I look into the night sky, it sparkles your name.

The wind in the clouds and the blue in the sky
The sun and the moon and the stars so high.
It's what draws me to you.

I am, I'm captivated by you.
In all that you do
I am, I'm captivated.

When I wake unto the morning, it gives me your sight.
When I look across the ocean, it echos your might.

The sand on the shore and the waves in the seas.
The air in my lungs and the way you made me.
That's what draws me to you.

The wind in the clouds and the blue in the sky,
The sun and the moon and the stars so high.
The sand on the shore and the waves in the sea,
The air in my lungs and the way you made me.

The Blood in my veins and my heart you invade,
The plants, how they grow, and the trees and their shade.
The way that I feel and the love in my soul,
I thank you my God for letting me know.

I am, I'm captivated by you,
In all that you do,
I am, I'm captivated.

Up next: The man who has stolen my heart.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ahhhh real monsters.

Guys. I freaking suck at blogging. I probably have a million and a half things I could tell you but my life is so crazy that I don't have much time. The blog title is irrelevant. What I can tell you though is that I absolutely LOVE how busy I have been lately. Camps, Lynx, Work... everything is just a real treat. Here are some highlights

-Post camp, staying in the dorms and entertaining 15 HS kids
-Lynx won in OT tonight. Freaking ridiculous game. we were lucky.
-NWC Best in Basketball camp is the highlight of my summer hands down.
- I am learning more then I could ever imagine about how God is Glorified through the passions in our life and why he gives us those passions.
- The 4th.. good stuff.
- I read a good book. 19 Minutes.

I will have stories and more in depth stuff when I get back from the 406, but until then, keep me in your prayers. I have a lot on my plate right now, and although it is sweet, its tough to balance. Also I am running my first basketball camp at the end of July. Yeah, thats right, I am the big dog. But Pray that I will be prepared and that I will be able to influence the kids in a positive way. Good stuff to come. Peace out girl scouts.

Song of the Moment: (insert your favorite camp song here)